Homeopathy For Diabetics

There’s currently little to no evidence that homeopathy is effective for treating diabetes. You can usually treat it with a change in diet, exercise, and prescription medications to manage blood sugar.


Homeopathy is an alternative medical system. It’s also called homeopathic medicine. Homeopathy involves the idea that you can treat a condition with a diluted amount of a natural substance that may cause symptoms of the disease in healthy people. This is the homeopathic principle of “like cures like.”


Syzygium jambolanum or S. cumini (black plum) could help treat thirst, weakness, skin ulcers, and excessive urination.

Uranium nitricum might treat excessive urination, nausea, swelling, and burning with urination.

Conium (hemlock) may help treat numbness in the feet and hands, as well as diabetic neuropathy, or nerve damage.

Plumbum (lead) could help with numbness in the hands and feet, nerve pain, and tinnitus.

Calendula (marigold) might help treat infected ulcers.

Phosphoric acid may treat memory impairment, confusion or heavy head, frequent urination at night, hair loss, and difficulty maintaining an erection.

Candida (yeast) could help treat yeast infections.

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