Spirit/ poem share

Her spirit didn’t rise but it sure did fall

Now it floats and resides inside these walls.

Never at peace or rest

I guess her spirit wasn’t blest

She never had love, at least not the best

To send her spirit towards it’s final place

Somewhere high into a stars space.

Only remants of attempts gone wrong

She never found her spirit a home.

Often, others swear they hear a soundl

It must be the spirit of hers that is still around.

MwsR 💗

Published by

Mws R

"If you are going to write, write from the heart." MwsR "Life has not been the easiest, but it could have been worse!" MwsR Life is about doing all you can to help others. Don't go chasing rainbows, make your own pot of gold. Love, Hope, Faith, the greatest of these is Love!

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